

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dr. App.

I had my appointment with the MD that specializes in the treatment of Thyroid and adrenal hormones. The whole experience was pleasant. Dr. C. talked to me for more than 40 minutes going over symptoms and health history. I told her about my primary Dr. telling me to get over it in so many words. She voiced her frustration with the standard Dr. care and was surprised that the Endocrinologist I went to did not test for T3 & T4 hormones. Anyhow she said all my symptoms indicate hypothyroidism but she also wants to check my adrenal hormones. She said she would have given me drugs for my thyroid today but wanted to know my adrenal hormone status first. We agreed that Dr. S will take care of the progesterone/estrogen testing since I am doing the cycle long hormonal test with him. She also gave me an order for Thyroid ultrasound since my glands seem to be a little swollen. The following are the tests that were ordered.
Cortisol Saliva 24hours
DHEA Saliva

Blood Work:
Aldosterone assay
Blood counts with platelets and complete differential
Free T4, Free T3
Reverse T3
Lipid Panel
Magnesium level RBC
Sedimentation Rate, non-automated
Serum Folic Acid
Serum Iron
Thyroglobulin Antibody
TPO Microsomal Antibody
Total Cortisol AM
Vitamin B-12
Vitamin D, include fractions

So my next appointment is in 3 weeks. Yep, forget the three month wait with Dr. S to get some relief for my Thyroid issues. I got the Adranal Saliva kit from her office which I will be shipping out to the lab this week. I was so happy that there is this Dr. sitting next to me and listening to all the symptoms that I am experiencing and not rushing me out of her office in 15 minutes like most other Drs. It was all too good and at some point I was really emotional and shaded some tears. Just knowing that there is a strong possibility of relief from all the awful symptoms I am feeling is trilling. Sometimes I surprise myself for being able to get up and make it to work etc feeling this way for so long. The last couple of years have been constant pain and fatigue which now is accompanied with migraine headaches. The possibility of some relief sure gives me hope.

In cycle news, it seem like my cycle is normalizing after surgery. I had more than 6days of fertile CM. I also ovulated on day 14 I believe which makes me very excited. Prior to surgery my pre-ovulatory phase was pretty short, so it looks like this will be a 28 day cycle and not the usual 25 day.
My DH is back from visiting his family and I am very excited to have him back. While he was gone I spent some quality time with my Mom and family.

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