

Sunday, November 28, 2010


This week has been extra hard for our family. This time last year was the hardest for us. I don't want to get deep in to our loss and grief here but this has been a heart breaking year for my family. I don't know how I got through it and still getting through it I guess. With that being said I have a lot to be Thankful for.

We had Thanksgiving at my sisters as usual. All our families are no more than an hour drive from each other. It was a small gathering with just the immediate family and it was low key, a time of reflection, gratitude and sadness for our loss.

In cycle news I am on CD11 and have no fertile CM. I usually ovulate CD11-14 and have at least 6 days of fertile CM. I have no idea what hijacked my fertile CM but it is weird. No sign of ovulation, nothing. This is very strange for me since I am very regular and have short cycles (24-28 day cycles). Could this be the effect of taking estradiol post ovulation or is the Hy.drocort to blame? Any one reading experienced the same thing with these meds? This is making me nervous because the one thing I could count on was having a normal ovulation, if this is going to be added to the list of my issues it would not be good. My next appointment with Dr. S is in Feb but I guess I could send him my charts after this cycle.

We had a discussion on being childless with my DH. I was very emotional Thanksgiving night. DH expressed on how much he wants a baby but how he is patient and that if it is God's will that he will find a way to deal with it. Recently I can see that he has been thinking about it a lot. He has a lot of faith that this will happen for us. His mother tried 8 years before she had him, he is the miracle child.

I have taken a couple of weeks off around Xmas time and looking forward to it. We were thinking of going on vacation but nothing has been planned. We may just make it a trip to NY for a few days and the rest of it will be spent at home doing nothing. Can't wait for that.

Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving. Thank You for all your comments and for sharing your journey of IF.

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