

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A call from the Pharmacy

So I dropped my prescription for progesterone, estradiol and HC the other day. I get a call from the Pharmacist saying she is having difficult understanding Dr. S instruction on hot to take the progesterone. I had to explain what P+3 means etc and I also had to explain on how to take the progesterone (sticking the pill down there). She said it seem like you know what to do. Hehehehe, I forget that this infertility stuff is foreign to most people. I thought that was funny. A close friend of mine also called to ask how my appointment went and I told her about the progesterone and she said "is there an apparatus that comes with it for application..." I told her it comes with a gun and you just shoot it up there :).
My friend has never been to an OBGYN even though I have begged her to go for annual check ups so you can understand how she can be so amused by this type of stuff.

My coworker who is expecting and I were I.messaging and she asked me how it was going with the infertility stuff and proceeded to tell me how we should time sex and how. I laughed so hard and said if you repeat this again and give me suggestions on when and how to have sex I will beat you up. I think she tried for about four month or so before she got PG so I am suppose to be taking advise from her having had almost 3 years of trying under my belt. Amusing I tell you.


  1. Amusing...yeah, that's one word for it, lol. Wow, timing sex?! That's a novel concept!

    I remember trying to explain charting to a friend of mine who had been trying for 6 months. She wasn't interested in the slightest and, sure enough, got pregnant the very next month.

  2. Ha! I have a friend who LOVES to tell everyone that she understands how infertility feels... Because she "waited" five years before trying. She had been on the pill over 10 years. When her and her husband finally decided to stop the birthcontrol it took them a whole 6 months to conceive. Yep, I'm sure she really understands. Not. Round two... She was pregnant the first month! I told her ahe better never tell anyone else she understands -- ever again. She just stared at me and said, "But I do understand." Clueless.
