

Friday, November 1, 2013

So Thankful

I had an appointment with my N.apro Doctor to go over the cycle long hormonal profile.   We had agreed to do the tests without any meds so we could see what my body was capable of.   As you know I got pregnant that cycle and lost the baby at 6 wks.  

Since I have quit driving long distance I drag my husband to these appointments.  He is such a blessing in my life.  He is happy to make the drive so I can get the proper treatment.  However recently when an appointment approaches I ask myself if it is worth making the trip and weather I should stop traveling so far away.  2h might not be much for some but the furthest I drive recently is 20 min due to the Endometriosis pain and constant anxiety.  

I tell you, seeing my Dr. is worth it.  After these appointments I am so hopeful and also so thankful that I get to see a Dr. who cares and is willing to hear my questions and does not try to kick me out after 5 min visit.

My appointment was in the morning so we had to get up early.  We woke up MH and take her down to the living room so that my Mom could take care of her.  It was rainy when we left.   

So both progesterone and estradiol levels look good.  They were low when I initially got tested back in 2010.   I told the Dr. that my periods have progressively gotten lighter and that I was worried that my lining might not be good to support a pregnancy so I am going to do an ultrasound to measure the thickness of the lining and go from here.   If the lining is compromised I will start on vaginally estradiol.   I will also start taking DHEA as per the Drs suggestions since she said it helps with egg quality in older women.    I will be seeing her after 3 month, if no pregnancy then we will consider HCG shots.  So right now I am on the following meds

1. LDN
2. Progesterone post peak
3. Estradiol post peak
4. HC
5. Vitamin D
6. Prenatal vitamins

I left the appointment feeling so hopeful.  I will also be seeing my regular Doctor to go over some lab work and see if I need to up my thyroid meds.    I am so thankful for my wonderful doctors.

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