

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Update on Dr's Visit

Since I have read experiences of other bloggers that have gone to the Na.pro Dr. I went to I pretty much knew what to expect. Although I waited for almost an hour to see the Dr. I say it was a good visit and I am glad that I made the trip. He took his time to go through all my symptoms and plan of action for the next few months. The actually examination was painful & gross it needed to be done. So as expected I will be having a Laparoscopy surgery in the next few month, I can't wait. I have so much hope riding on this surgery, I want to be pain free even if it is for a short term. I will be doing the hormone panel and other tests starting next cycle. He has also suggested that I see a physical therapist that specializes in Women's health and Pelvic pain. The question now is how do I make it until surgery and other treatment. I am going to try to push for surgery in May but it seem like their schedule is pretty crazy. I can't keep calling in sick at work. Somehow I will have to manage as is for the next couple of months which makes me nervous. But there is hope that I can get some relief here.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh! Being pain-free seems to be a very big impossible dream all of us endo girls are constantly chasing. I've been so wrapped up in trying to get pregnant with TCM and the BFN's I keep getting that I have overlooked the fact that it has actually helped reduce much of the endo pain in my life. Having had treatments for over a year, I can now vouch that it really helps, even though it works very slowly. You've just inspired me to write about it in my upcoming posts... I hope your lap goes well, and that you'll give TCM a try, even if it's a last resort. You might be one of the women who will respond well to TCM. Hope you'll find some relief from the pain soon. ((HUGS))
