

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Na.pro Doc

Finally it is almost here. I have an appointment on Monday with a Nap.ro Doc. I went to my RE to get a copy of my medical records and he asked me why I was seeing the Napro Dr. He said he checked him out on line and said "he is just another OBGYN". I asked him if he has heard of Nap.rotechnology to which he said no. I was in so much pain from Endo that I didn't have the energy to explain. I would have thought he would at least know Napro.tech existed. I told him that I am willing to try anything to deal with this pain. I was almost in tears, I grabbed my records and walked out as fast as I could. I do like this Dr. but he can't help me, his suggestion is Lup.ron & IVF. He suggested may be it is time for another Laparoscopy to which I thought, the last one you performed didn't get rid of my pain so why bother. I will still go to him for basic OBGYN care since the Nap.ro Dr is a couple of hours away.

On a different note I had an appointment with an Endocrinologist today. I was going to cancel it once I had an appointment with a Narp.Dr but though it is worth one or two visits. After going through my medical history he suggested to run hormone panel on CD1 or 2. I am sure the Nap.ro Dr. will also suggest multiple tests, will have to wait and see how it goes but I need some relief soon.

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