

Friday, October 30, 2009

Progesterone cream plus

The new formulation of progesterone cream came in today. It has other things added to it. The formulation includes DIM concentrate T14, GABA, DHEA, Pregnenolone. The DIM and GABA are what is different about the new formulation. It is suppose to help my mood. I have been on Progesterone cream for the last four months and it has the following effect on my cycles.
1. BBT elevated temp. as expected
2. Early ovulation, 2-3days earlier than normal. Cycle shorter by 2/3 days. No effect on Luteal phase which is 10-12 days with spotting
3. Some calming effect but not entirely sure since I am struggling this cycle.

I am not good with following Drs. orders. I was told to take DHEA and prenatal vitamins but have not started yet. I was on prenatal vitamins for a year on and off but my stomach feels weird after a few hours of taking it.

Today has been a better day compared to the last couple of days. I still have lower back pain but the headache is faint. I will start the new cream right away, I am on cd17.

On a separate note I haven't had bread in the last six month (gluten free diet) and craving it. This weekend I want to experiment with some of the gluten free bread recipes I found on line.


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