The weekend before I had the baby my belly had dropped. I went to a family party on Saturday and everyone was telling me I was going to have this baby soon.
DH and I had meant to take maternity photos, it was all on me to organize this and I even bought two dresses (bought at 6 month pregnancy) and I had not scheduled a photo shoot anywhere. I had an excuse every weekend, mostly not having my hair done. So that weekend was the only chance since c-section was scheduled for Thursday.
I called all the department stores on Sunday trying to make same day appointment for the photo shoot and none of them could take us in since they are usually overbooked on weekends. At the last minute DH remembered a photo studio that took walkins so we took the chance, got ready and headed there. When we walked in they had no customer so we got in quickly, took about 1h and we were done. I was bouncing off the wall with a lot of energy so we decided to head to our favorite E.thiopian restaurant in DC for a last meal.
On Sunday night I walk up multiple times and couldn't fall asleep for more than an hour at a time. Besides getting up to pee multiple times I had no issues with staying asleep during the pregnancy. I had told my boss I will be in on Monday to finalize some last minute stuff. I scheduled all my meetings for the morning so I can work from home the rest of the day. I went out to lunch with a co-worker and I was telling her I felt different. I went home, worked for about 3 hours. DH picked up my mom that night. For the two days before the c-section I had planned to get my house ready for guests, cook and do some stuff with my mom.
We ate dinner and had some coffee and my mom headed to bed. DH and I were watching TV and around 11 I started getting contractions. I told DH and told him to go to sleep; I took a hot shower and slept for about 1h. After that I couldn't sleep through the contractions so I sat in my living room, snacked, read blogs and checked my e-mail. From the start the contractions were 5 min apart and they were just like period cramps and not the worst I have had so I figured it may just be early labor. I was told to go in to the hospital if I had regular contractions every 5min for 30 min, but I kind of ignored that direction. I just didn't believe that I was in labor, just seem so easy. After 4 hours of contractions and losing my mucus plug, I walk up DH and told him it is time to go to the hospital. We got there at 4 am and checked in.
The nurse checked me and said I was 4 cm dilated. She told me I had a high tolerance for pain since I was just laying there through the contractions. I had called my Dr. before I went in to the hospital but he never answered his phone. When we got to the hospital the nurse called him but his partner was the one on call. She came in about an hour after and I asked her to check in one more time if the baby is still breech so they did a quick US and baby still was head up so they started prepping me for the c-section.
I hated being held down for the epidural and laying there with my hands spread out on the operating room was weird to say the least. They brought in DH after I got the epidural. At some point during the c-section I thought I was going to throw up and imagined chocking to death while pinned down on the operating table. I also felt that my heart was racing and I felt the the tugging/pulling sensation. I heard baby scream and I was so relieved. They called DH to see the baby and within a few minutes he brought her to my side so I can have a look. It took another half an hour or so to complete the surgery. I was taken to the recovery room for a few hours and DH went with the nurse to see the baby being washed and checked.
They brought the baby in the recovery room and she latched on the breast right away. She is the smallest precious thing I have ever seen.
By the time all was done my two sisters, my dad and mom had made it to the hospital. I am so glad that I went in to labor, even though I was only in labor for 6 hours I am glad I experienced it. I wanted a natural birth but it was not meant to be but I am happy at how things turned out.
DH and I had meant to take maternity photos, it was all on me to organize this and I even bought two dresses (bought at 6 month pregnancy) and I had not scheduled a photo shoot anywhere. I had an excuse every weekend, mostly not having my hair done. So that weekend was the only chance since c-section was scheduled for Thursday.
I called all the department stores on Sunday trying to make same day appointment for the photo shoot and none of them could take us in since they are usually overbooked on weekends. At the last minute DH remembered a photo studio that took walkins so we took the chance, got ready and headed there. When we walked in they had no customer so we got in quickly, took about 1h and we were done. I was bouncing off the wall with a lot of energy so we decided to head to our favorite E.thiopian restaurant in DC for a last meal.
On Sunday night I walk up multiple times and couldn't fall asleep for more than an hour at a time. Besides getting up to pee multiple times I had no issues with staying asleep during the pregnancy. I had told my boss I will be in on Monday to finalize some last minute stuff. I scheduled all my meetings for the morning so I can work from home the rest of the day. I went out to lunch with a co-worker and I was telling her I felt different. I went home, worked for about 3 hours. DH picked up my mom that night. For the two days before the c-section I had planned to get my house ready for guests, cook and do some stuff with my mom.
We ate dinner and had some coffee and my mom headed to bed. DH and I were watching TV and around 11 I started getting contractions. I told DH and told him to go to sleep; I took a hot shower and slept for about 1h. After that I couldn't sleep through the contractions so I sat in my living room, snacked, read blogs and checked my e-mail. From the start the contractions were 5 min apart and they were just like period cramps and not the worst I have had so I figured it may just be early labor. I was told to go in to the hospital if I had regular contractions every 5min for 30 min, but I kind of ignored that direction. I just didn't believe that I was in labor, just seem so easy. After 4 hours of contractions and losing my mucus plug, I walk up DH and told him it is time to go to the hospital. We got there at 4 am and checked in.
The nurse checked me and said I was 4 cm dilated. She told me I had a high tolerance for pain since I was just laying there through the contractions. I had called my Dr. before I went in to the hospital but he never answered his phone. When we got to the hospital the nurse called him but his partner was the one on call. She came in about an hour after and I asked her to check in one more time if the baby is still breech so they did a quick US and baby still was head up so they started prepping me for the c-section.
I hated being held down for the epidural and laying there with my hands spread out on the operating room was weird to say the least. They brought in DH after I got the epidural. At some point during the c-section I thought I was going to throw up and imagined chocking to death while pinned down on the operating table. I also felt that my heart was racing and I felt the the tugging/pulling sensation. I heard baby scream and I was so relieved. They called DH to see the baby and within a few minutes he brought her to my side so I can have a look. It took another half an hour or so to complete the surgery. I was taken to the recovery room for a few hours and DH went with the nurse to see the baby being washed and checked.
They brought the baby in the recovery room and she latched on the breast right away. She is the smallest precious thing I have ever seen.
By the time all was done my two sisters, my dad and mom had made it to the hospital. I am so glad that I went in to labor, even though I was only in labor for 6 hours I am glad I experienced it. I wanted a natural birth but it was not meant to be but I am happy at how things turned out.
So glad you had a good experience! I agree, being strapped to that table is freaky. But your baby girl is AMAZING! :)