

Sunday, June 26, 2011

C-Section vs. Natural Birth

I was talking to a family friend who expressed concern because her daughter who is a nurse said she is going to have an elective c-section instead of a vaginal birth. Her main reason is that things down there may not go back to normal and that she doesn't want to deal with labor pain. Now this is the third person I know within the last year that have elected to go for a scheduled c-section and all three women work in health care. How crazy is this, what person in their right mind will go for a major surgery over a vaginal birth? I expected more from these women since they are nurses and are better informed of the risk associated with c-section but are still opting for it without any medical need. Is there something I don't know? Nature intended for babies to come out of the vagina and when there are complications I understand the need for a C-section. But to actually choose c-section over vaginal birth because you don't want your lady parts to possible change after a vaginal birth or to not want to deal with the pain is kind of disturbing and absurd. What next, people wanting to be pregnant but would rather have medical science come up with technology to be able to have a pregnancy outside of the body so pregnancy doesn't ruin their figure or avoid the ups/downs of pregnancy?


  1. No lady parts changed here after birth...I promise and that was with a 4th degree tear... ;)

    Just my bbs sag. :) No big deal. ;)

    I want to get pregnant just to go through birth again...grant it I had an epidural the whole time, but it was still amazing! ;)


  2. Wow. I don't understand that at all. I would be ecstatic to be able to deliver vaginally. It torments me to have to schedule a c-section. I know that lady parts have to stretch a bit to get a baby through, but it's what they're made for and they do snap back. My sister even had 3rd degree tearing (down both legs, up the bum, and going up the back) from her first child, and everything snapped back. Labor and birth are so amazing and sacred. I can't imagine giving that up willingly.

  3. ZOMG I can't imagine someone ELECTING for the agonizing pain of a C Section. (I mean, compared to vaginal birth.)
    I labored for DAYS and I can tell you LABOR IS NOT THAT BAD. Seriously, it's 99% like period cramps. I was at the very end, pushing for 2 hours...
    And I had to have a C Section.
    You know the only part that was truly, truly painful? Not the dilation, not the contractions - the aftereffects of the section.

    Labor is a breeze.

    Trying to sit up 24 hours after a section? Trying to walk a few steps two days later? Trying not to laugh, trying not to sneeze?
    Sobbing but trying not to because of the excruciating pain because you can't get up and get your crying baby from the bassinet but your husband went to get something to eat?

    I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

    C Section can save a baby's life. It did mine, there's no doubt, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.


    That's pure insanity. Masochism.

    Vaginas are meant to stretch. Babies' heads are MEANT to come out of there.
    Uterine walls are NOT MEANT to be sliced in two.
