

Monday, June 24, 2013


For the last few years I have had the same recurring set of dreams that creep up from time to time.   

1. I am in a car/bus or in a big building trying to go somewhere.  In the dream I get lost over and over again and never get to my destination.   I am either driving aimlessly or in a big building trying to get to a place within the building but never get there.  The other night I dreamt that I took a family member to the ER and had to take my cousin to the same ER but I couldn't find it so I am climbing stairs, getting in to elevators etc but never get to my destination.

2.  I am somewhere or in a class room where someone announces that we are having an exam but I haven't studied at all.  I tell people around me I am not prepared to take the test.  I read the questions and don't know any of the answers.   I haven't been in school for the last 8 years so I have no idea why I am having this dream.  I usually wake up from it with such a knot in my stomach.  I hate this dream. 

3.  The third dream is usually me arguing with someone.  Usually it is a family member.  I hate conflict so I avoid it at all costs.    In the dream I am screaming at someone and letting them have it.  My oldest sister and my brother are usually at the receiving end.    This dream doesn't bother me as much; I am doing what I want to do in reality but since I hate conflict I get to do it in my dream :)

I wish I was one of those people who doesn't dream or never remember their dreams. 

1 comment:

  1. LOL. I have super vivid dreams almost every night. Some of them come around often and I wonder what in the world my mind is trying to work through or figure out... I mean there has to be a reason I keep having the same dream, right?
